I was shocked! My numbers were 13 for
A, 12 for B, and 11 for C all of them were close. It makes me feel like I am a balance
person, but at the same time I thought I could be more of a positive Youth Development.
I feel like this was a great way to understand each part of the sections. It
also allowed me to see the youth through everyone’s else eyes and how they view
the youth. I was think about who I want to be and what each part I could take
out of and learn from by the styles of how children were raised. It is the
best way to understand everyone that you are around is, because you can understand
it on a deeper level.
Where my values lie, I feel like I am a Critical Youth Development. When it say, "A focus on how youth engage with and impact their communities and culture" (Youth Development ideology Horoscope). This is such a huge part of the youths life, because communities and culture influences them through life and lead them in the path.
Where my values lie, I feel like I am a Critical Youth Development. When it say, "A focus on how youth engage with and impact their communities and culture" (Youth Development ideology Horoscope). This is such a huge part of the youths life, because communities and culture influences them through life and lead them in the path.
Hi Emily! Wow! we got the same numbers and I felt the same way! As though I was a balanced person, because as you know it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around. We need all types to help with youth as all types require a different situation. I too though feel as though I aligned closely to critical. But I believe depending on the situation I can swing between the three ideologies.